[GRASS5] [bug #3376] (grass) r.in.gdal: UInt16 colr map goes to full 65535

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3376

Subject: r.in.gdal: UInt16 colr map goes to full 65535

I just r.out.gdal'd a DEM as UInt16 which copies out the color table.

Then as a check I reimported it with r.in.gdal.

The "COPYING COLOR TABLE" took a while.

d.rast took a long while too. (killed it)

Turns out that while my file had values ~ 0-1000, the colr/ file had entries
of "0" for each int up to 65535 (as does the GeoTIFF as shown by gdalinfo*).
vi took care of that. :slight_smile:

[*] Color Table (RGB with 65536 entries)

Two things would be nice:

a) r.out.gdal shouldn't export 64k color tags, only up to max
b) r.in.gdal is smart enough to add as the last colr rule max:0 65535:0 ?


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