[GRASS5] [bug #3417] (grass) ps.map border should be optional!

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3417

Gentlemen, the below is a clear example of something that should be an
option for the user to decide: if he wants a border around his map or not!

How does one get ps.map to stop drawing a black border around

H> To get rid of the box around the map region you would need to edit the
H> source code or PostScript output as follows.

H> Comment out the following lines in ps/ps.map/ps_map.c and recompile.

H> /* put border around map */
H> fprintf(PS.fp, "BW\n");
H> box_draw(PS.map_top - 0.5, PS.map_bot + 0.5,
H> PS.map_left + 0.5, PS.map_right - 0.5);

H> or go towards the end of the PostScript file and find two lines
H> that look like this & delete them.

H> 72.5 108.0 614.8 522.8 B D

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To: grass-bugs@intevation.de
Subject: ps.map border should be optional!
References: <87fyuz2jyb.fsf@jidanni.org>
From: Dan Jacobson <jidanni@jidanni.org>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 04:59:27 +0800
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