[GRASS5] [bug #3792] (grass) d.m locks up

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3792

version: grass-6.1.cvs_src_snapshot_2005_10_29

System Information

Platform Unix
Operating System Linux
OS Version 2.6.13-ck6
Processor Type (arch) i686
Full OS ID Linux-2.6.13-ck6-i686
Tcl Version/Patchlevel 8.4.6
Name of Executable /usr/bin/wish
Name of current Script /usr/local/grass-6.1.cvs/etc/dm/tksys.tcl

Main issue: d.m is rendered unuseable when any command is executed from the
d.m i.e when drawing in a monitor the d.m locks up until drawing is complete.
Similarly whenever the help icon is selected d.m locks up until the browser
(konqueror in my case) is closed. If a command is selected from the toolbar
or the menu the d.m is fine.

Like the progression of the d.m...however icons are getting a bit too big in
my opinion.

Keep up the good work


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