BTW this issue with creating projection from EPSG code, which is OK now, I
re-tested all the g.proj stuff which I complained about in my original bug
report. Looks all works fine, however I have one question about differences in
units names in case when wkt or proj4 option is used.
# When I override current projection using a wkt file, the projection units
# are in small letters:
$ g.proj -c wkt=puwg1965_I.prj
$ g.proj -p
name : sterea
proj : sterea
a : 6378245
es : 0.006693421622965943
lat_0 : 50.625
lon_0 : 21.08333333333333
k : 0.999800
x_0 : 4637000
y_0 : 5467000
towgs84 : 33.4297,-146.5746,-76.2865,-0.35867,-0.05283,0.84354,-0.84077
no_defs : defined
unit : metre
units : metres
meters : 1
# But when I specify the same projection in proj4 syntax unit and units names
# start with a capital letter:
$ g.proj -c proj4="+proj=sterea +lat_0=50.625 +lon_0=21.08333333333333
+k=0.999800 +x_0=4637000 +y_0=5647000 +ellps=krass
+towgs84=33.4297,-146.5746,-76.2865,-0.35867,-0.05283,0.84354,-0.84077 +units=m"
$ g.proj -p
name : sterea
proj : sterea
a : 6378245
es : 0.006693421622965943
lat_0 : 50.625
lon_0 : 21.08333333333333
k : 0.999800
x_0 : 4637000
y_0 : 5647000
towgs84 : 33.4297,-146.5746,-76.2865,-0.35867,-0.05283,0.84354,-0.84077
no_defs : defined
unit : Meter
units : Meters
meters : 1
Why the difference? Any problems possible due to this? Even if not, could the
naming convention be unified?
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