[GRASS5] [bug #4182] (grass) v.in.db from MySQL database creates Segmentation Fault

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4182

Subject: v.in.db from MySQL database creates Segmentation Fault

Platform: GNU/Linux/x86
grass obtained from: CVS
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: GRASS 6.1.cvs (2006) , 13/03/2006

Rainer M Krug

v.in.db driver=mysql database="host=ecolmod-mysql,dbname=renpatch_renosterbos" table=def_renosterbos x=X y=Y z=RX key="_ID" where="(_RUN = 5) AND (_YEAR=99)" output="def_renoster"

If I change key="_ID" to key="ID", the same error comes, even if the column name in the table is NOT changed.

if the tablename is changed to a non existing one, it ends expectadly with:
DBMI-MySQL driver error:
Cannot select data:
select _ID, X, Y, RX from def_renoster WHERE (_RUN = 5) AND (_YEAR=99)
Table 'renpatch_renosterbos.def_renoster' doesn't exist

ERROR: Cannot open select cursor: 'select _ID, X, Y, RX from def_renoster
       WHERE (_RUN = 5) AND (_YEAR=99)'

The table exists and I can execute the SQL statment from GRASS without problems.

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