[GRASS5] [bug #4240] (grass) gis.m: hangs when displaying vectors

For an update: with today's CVS from a while ago this issue still applies.
Displaying vectors is impossible. Once I try displaying vector, gis.m Output
window goes crazy, gis.m freezes. After closing the gis.m window by force (not
always possible, sometimes have to use kill -9) there is a following output in
the terminal, if it is telling you anything:

PNG: collecting to file:
Graphics driver [gism] started
invalid command name ".gronsole.gronsole"
    while executing
"$gronsole annotate $cmd [list gism running]"
    (procedure "runcmd" line 4)
    invoked from within
"runcmd "g.mremove -f region=mon_$mon ""
    (procedure "MapCanvas::cleanup" line 6)
    invoked from within
"MapCanvas::cleanup $mon $destroywin"
    (command bound to event)
invalid command name ".gronsole.gronsole"
    while executing
"$gronsole annotate $cmd [list gism running]"
    (procedure "runcmd" line 4)
    invoked from within
"runcmd "g.mremove -f region=mon_*""
    (procedure "Gm::cleanup" line 29)
    invoked from within
"Gm::cleanup $destroywin"
    (command bound to event)
can't read "_widget(.#BWidgetClass#SelectColor,var)": no such element in array
    while executing
"string length $_widget($path,var)"
    (procedure "SelectColor::_destroy" line 4)
    invoked from within
"SelectColor::_destroy .#BWidgetClass#SelectColor"
    (command bound to event)
wrong # args: should be "Gm::cleanup destroywin"
    while executing
"Gm::cleanup "
    invoked from within
"if { "." == "."} { Gm::cleanup }"
    (command bound to event)

Please note, that if I use "Zoom to current region" prior to displaying the
vector, it displays fine. But if I try to display my vector right after it's
added, there is a freeze as described.

Is anybody else having this bug?


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