[GRASS5] [bug #4250] (grass) v.out.ogr: CHAR columns are trimmed to 80 chars when writing shp

Thanks for your observations William!

But please all note that the problem is not limited to VARCHAR columns only.
DOUBLE columns attributes are also changed by v.out.ogr, which we don't want
to happen (see how "Area" column lenght and number of decimal places is affected).

I hope somebody will be able to fix these soon.


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The varchar problem was the similar issue for mysql/pgsql. DBF tables don't have such a thing, just fixed-length char. But the way the grass gdal driver is written, it doesn't set the length for char columns, or any other columns, so number columns will default to whatever they default to in OGR (24.15 by the looks of your example).

Fixing it is a little beyond me. I can do basic stuff by example (that's how I was able to fix the varchar problem in mysql/pgsql), but I'd have to dig around in the drivers to find an example to fix the grass dbf problem.

Maybe Radim can help.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos@kyngchaos.com>

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