thanks for your example. I took the occasion to write the scripts:
v.db.addtable help
adds a new attribute table to a given layer of a vector map
v.db.droptable help
removes existing attribute table of a vector map
Trying to make an example out of below sketch, I finally failed:
# Generate 3 points in the same place (Spearfish60):
echo "599505|4921010|1
599505|4921010|3" | v.in.ascii out=triple
# remove duplicates from map:
v.clean triple out=triple_simple tool=rmdupl
# ... remaining: one2many link between geometry and attributes
# verify categories:
v.category triple_simple op=report
LAYER/TABLE 1/triple_simple:
type count min max
point 3 1 3
line 0 0 0
boundary 0 0 0
centroid 0 0 0
area 0 0 0
all 3 1 3
# add new layer with 1 cat/point:
v.category triple_simple out=triple_simple_multi layer=2
# create and link new table to layer 2:
v.db.addtable triple_simple_multi layer=2 columns="cat integer, count integer"
v.info -c triple_simple_multi layer=2
# upload number of identical vector points to attribute table:
v.to.db triple_simple_multi option=query layer=2 qlayer=1 column=count
Reading data trom the map ... 100%
Querying database ... 100%
DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error in statement:
SELECT (null) FROM triple_simple_multi WHERE cat = 2 OR cat = 1 OR cat = 3
Error in db_open_select_cursor()
ERROR: Cannot open cursor: 'SELECT (null) FROM triple_simple_multi WHERE
cat = 2 OR cat = 1 OR cat = 3'
Perhaps you can identify the mistake in the procedure.
On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 10:36:23AM +0200, Radim Blazek wrote:
1) v.clean rmdupl will remove duplicates and it should attache
all cats to one point (-> one-many link between geometry and attributes)
2) v.category layer=2 (-> new layer with 1 cat/point)
3) create and link new table to layer 2
4) v.to.db option=query layer=2 qlayer=1
(query attributes in layer 1 and uppload to layer 2)
On 8/10/05, Markus Neteler <neteler@itc.it> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to transform a vector points map of disease reports.
> Often more than one report falls into the same location as
> reports were done/geocoded based on cities. This results into
> a vector map with often several vector falling into the
> same coodinate pair.
> I have to transform this map into a new vector map with
> single point per coordinate pair and number of cases as
> attribute.
> How to do that?
> I was thinking of v.distance -a to calculate zero-distances.
> This requires to exclude that the points "see" themselves.
> But then, I am not sure how to transform this into a map.
> Maybe with some SQL fun (distinct() operator or so)?
> Suggestions welcome. This functionality appears to me to
> be needed for GRASS. I darkly remember that it was asked
> time ago, but cannot find the mail(s).
> Thanks
> Markus
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Markus Neteler <neteler itc it> http://mpa.itc.it
ITC-irst - Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
MPBA - Predictive Models for Biol. & Environ. Data Analysis
Via Sommarive, 18 - 38050 Povo (Trento), Italy