[GRASS5] db.execute and min() max()-SQL-functions

Dear developers,

I am trying to figure out my min and max-values of my attribute-date
stored in PG.

steph@kermit:~ > echo "SELECT min(categorie), max(categorie) FROM
DBMI-Postgres driver error:
Cannot execute:
SELECT min(categorie), max(categorie) FROM tk25_9_poly

WARNING: Error while executing: "SELECT min(categorie), max(categorie)
FROM tk25_9_poly"

Is this not (yet) supported or something else wrong?!

Using psql the same syntax works.

Can somebody point me to the right direction?

Thank you

Stephan Holl

Stephan Holl

Check headers for GnuPG Key!



On Tuesday 29 June 2004 18:41, Stephan Holl wrote:

Dear developers,

I am trying to figure out my min and max-values of my attribute-date
stored in PG.

steph@kermit:~ > echo "SELECT min(categorie), max(categorie) FROM
DBMI-Postgres driver error:
Cannot execute:
SELECT min(categorie), max(categorie) FROM tk25_9_poly

WARNING: Error while executing: "SELECT min(categorie), max(categorie)
FROM tk25_9_poly"

Is this not (yet) supported or something else wrong?!

Using psql the same syntax works.

Can somebody point me to the right direction?

Thank you

Stephan Holl