[GRASS5] Dealing with old bug reports: new GRASS 6 bugtracker?

Brad Douglas <rez@touchofmadness.com> napisa³(a):
On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 22:57 +0200, Maciek Sieczka wrote:
> I still think that CC'ing grass5 list all the messages to
> grass-bugs@intevation.de by default is a good idea.


> We know your opinion. What do other Folks think?

I would like to see bugs copied to the list.


Sorry, I'm not sure if I understand you well - are you for CCing whole the bug discussion to the grass5 list or only the reports alone?

Just for the record if that might be not clear - as we see daily, the bug reports *are* copied to the list, only the following *discussion* in the RT *isn't*. Unless one specifies to CC grass devel list manually, which we often forget. What's more, since it is a common practice in other projects that the discussion in the bugtracker is CCed to the devel list, users even don't consider such an option and expect to be done automatically - until they learn they have to do it for themselves.

I find it beneficial, but
maybe I'm the only person who runs around fixing things at random as
they come up. :wink:
If the list isn't copied, add me to CC: if it isn't too much trouble.
