[GRASS5] Dealing with old bug reports: new GRASS 6 bugtracker?

On Thu, 2005-08-11 at 11:22 +0200, Maciek Sieczka wrote:

> Brad Douglas <rez@touchofmadness.com> napisał(a):
> On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 22:57 +0200, Maciek Sieczka wrote:
> > I still think that CC'ing grass5 list all the messages to
> > grass-bugs@intevation.de by default is a good idea.


> > We know your opinion. What do other Folks think?
> I would like to see bugs copied to the list.


Sorry, I'm not sure if I understand you well - are you for CCing whole the bug discussion to the grass5 list or only the reports alone?

Just for the record if that might be not clear - as we see daily, the bug reports *are* copied to the list, only the following *discussion* in the RT *isn't*. Unless one specifies to CC grass devel list manually, which we often forget. What's more, since it is a common practice in other projects that the discussion in the bugtracker is CCed to the devel list, users even don't consider such an option and expect to be done automatically - until they learn they have to do it for themselves.

Sorry for my opacity, but I think bug discussions should also be CC'd to
the devel list. I know I've asked questions on the list before that I
have subsequently found already brought up in unrelated bug reports.
IMHO, it won't add much more clutter to the list.

I know this only applies to me, but on a personal level, I suffer from
hepatic encephalopathy as a result of a very rare disorder. Extra
layers of complexity are taxing on me and time consuming (I generally
try to hide it). It would be much easier on me to be able to go to one
place for devel/bug related information. Also, I could simply search
the archive. Otherwise, I usually forget the bug database even exists
since I try to fix bugs as I stumble upon them. I only mention this in
the case that a tie-breaker is needed.

Brad Douglas <rez@touchofmadness.com>