[GRASS5] Drawing order in gism RC4 reversed

I noted this morning that the order that maps are drawn in the gis manager
RC4 are now reversed.
I had the following maps in my gis manager:

Station samples

In the past, the samples would have been the last to draw, but now it is the
first and the only thing I can see in my display is Chart1. Would it be
possible set the drawing order back to the previous behavior? All of my dmrc
files depend on the old drawing order.

~ Eric.

Patton, Eric wrote:

I noted this morning that the order that maps are drawn in the gis
manager RC4 are now reversed. I had the following maps in my gis

Chart1 Chart2 Bathymetry Station samples

In the past, the samples would have been the last to draw, but now it
is the first and the only thing I can see in my display is Chart1.
Would it be possible set the drawing order back to the previous
behavior? All of my dmrc files depend on the old drawing order.

This is intentional and responds to repeated demand:

Michael Barton wrote:

The second is that now GRASS is consistent with other GIS programs
and more intuitive (as much as I am skeptical about that term) in
that the uppermost layer in the layer tree is also the top map in the

However, I agree that there should be a transition script which transforms existing dmrc files.


I want to verify what Moritz says. It is intentional and I suspect that this
will cause some angst initially (and may generate more discussion than the
much more substantial changes underneath), though it is a good idea
ultimately. I also want to point out that, in response to UI comments, any
new layer is inserted directly above the currently selected layer.

I think that such a script is an excellent idea. It should also strip out
the print section. Then all existing dmrc files will be compatible with the
new system.

I'm not very good at text file parsing in shell scripting (I've sent a query
to the list a couple times recently about an even simpler file processing
issue that has me stumped). But this should be pretty simple for anyone who
IS good at awk or something like that.

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

From: Moritz Lennert <mlennert@club.worldonline.be>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 14:07:45 +0100
To: "Patton, Eric" <epatton@nrcan.gc.ca>
Cc: "'grass5@grass.itc.it'" <grass5@grass.itc.it>
Subject: Re: [GRASS5] Drawing order in gism RC4 reversed

Patton, Eric wrote:

I noted this morning that the order that maps are drawn in the gis
manager RC4 are now reversed. I had the following maps in my gis

Chart1 Chart2 Bathymetry Station samples

In the past, the samples would have been the last to draw, but now it
is the first and the only thing I can see in my display is Chart1.
Would it be possible set the drawing order back to the previous
behavior? All of my dmrc files depend on the old drawing order.

This is intentional and responds to repeated demand:

Michael Barton wrote:

The second is that now GRASS is consistent with other GIS programs
and more intuitive (as much as I am skeptical about that term) in
that the uppermost layer in the layer tree is also the top map in the

However, I agree that there should be a transition script which
transforms existing dmrc files.


On Wed, 08 Mar 2006 09:40:14 -0700
Michael Barton <michael.barton@asu.edu> wrote:


I also want to point out that, in
response to UI comments, any new layer is inserted directly above the
currently selected layer.



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