[GRASS5] End member selection and spectral unmixing

Hi all,
       I want to find endmembers from MODIS 36 bands and then perform linear unmixing. Does any body have any idea whether it is possible in GRASS. How do I perform unmxing. Is there any module avaliable.

Please reply, if anybody has worked on spectral unmixing in GRASS.

Best Wishes.


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On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 10:27:59PM +0530, Uttam Kumar wrote:

Hi all,
      I want to find endmembers from MODIS 36 bands and then perform linear
unmixing. Does any body have any idea whether it is possible in GRASS. How
do I perform unmxing. Is there any module avaliable.

Please reply, if anybody has worked on spectral unmixing in GRASS.

Hi Uttam,

yes, I was writing i.spec.unmix for my MSc. Two articles
are available:

M. Neteler, D. Grasso, I. Michelazzi, L. Miori, S. Merler, and
C. Furlanello. New image processing tools for GRASS. In
Proc. Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics:
GIS-GRASS Users Conference 2004, Sept. 12-14, Bangkok, Thailand, 2004.

M. Neteler, D. Grasso, I. Michelazzi, L. Miori, S. Merler, and
C. Furlanello, 2005. An integrated toolbox for image registration,
fusion and classification. International Journal of
Geoinformatics. Special Issue on FOSS/GRASS 2004 & GIS-IDEAS 2004,
1(1), pp. 51-61, March 2005.

I'll publish the software asap (still haven't migrated all MESCHACH to
