[GRASS5] FWD: IRC - ["Geospatial Foundation" Meeting]


----- Forwarded message from Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell@shaw.ca> -----

Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 22:27:42 -0800
From: Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell@shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: [Freegis-list] "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting
To: discuss@lists.mapserverfoundation.org
Cc: OPENNR@listserv.tamu.edu, mapserver-west@lists.maptools.org,
   geowanking@lists.burri.to, MAPSERVER-USERS@lists.umn.edu,

Paul Ramsey wrote:
> The whole meeting will be transcribed into IRC in real
> time, and IRC users will be able to participate via an interlocutor
> at the meeting.

I have registered the IRC channel: #geofoundation at irc.freenode.net - as a
potential place for our discussions during the meeting.

In the meantime it is suitable for those who want to chat about the foundation
ideas in real-time before the meeting. I'll gladly answer questions there as
I am able over the days/weeks leading up to the meeting.


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