I forgot to mention that the GIS Manager command console WILL do unix commands. Try ls or cat. There are a few differences between the console and the GRASS terminal of course.
Commands are fully editable using mouse and keys.
There is a running command history maintained. You can scroll and select any command in the history, optionally modify it, and run it. The run button acts on any line that your cursor is on.
Command histories and commands can be saved. The console will save whatever you have selected. If nothing is selected, the entire command history is saved.
Command output goes to the output window rather than the command console. So if you run cat on a text file, the text file contents will appear in the output window. Again, you can save (and edit) anything in the output window.
You will have problems with commands that require interactive response via the terminal. G.mremove is a good example. It doesn’t seem to want to accept a “y” command in response to the prompt “Did you mean this(y/n)?”
Plain *nix commands seem to run fine, as do all GRASS commands that don’t require you to interact with the terminal.
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402
phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671