[GRASS5] grass6 and R

hey all...

I'm trying to get the grass6 R interface working. I am looking at Roger's article in GRASS-News Vol. 3. After the step:

> install.packages("spgrass6", repos = rS)

I am getting the message:

Warning: unable to access index for repository http://r-spatial.sourceforge.net'R/bin/macosx/powerpc/contrib/2.2
Warning in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available = available, :
          no package 'spgrass6' at the repositories

I have not followed the GRASS and R development closely. Has something changed? Does spgrass6 not exist any more?



On Sat, 14 Jan 2006, Kirk R. Wythers wrote:

hey all...

I'm trying to get the grass6 R interface working. I am looking at
Roger's article in GRASS-News Vol. 3. After the step:

> install.packages("spgrass6", repos = rS)

I am getting the message:

Warning: unable to access index for repository http://r-
Warning in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available =
available, :
          no package 'spgrass6' at the repositories

I have not followed the GRASS and R development closely. Has
something changed? Does spgrass6 not exist any more?

Visiting the repository will show that all is well, but nobody I know has
a machine with OSX on it. With the advent of x86 OSX this will get worse
too. On OSX you have to install from source, as on any other Unix/Linux
system, only Windows people get the help of a binary. Because there is no
C code in the package, I guess that most (?) OSX will have the minimal
tool train needed. Guessing further, on Linux I have:


[1] "source"

but you most likely have "mac.binary"

Then try:

install.packages("spgrass6", repos = rS, type="source")

to override the default, and it should work. If you can confirm that it
does, I can alter the note on the download page, and provide an erratum
for the Newsletter page. If you still have difficulties, we'll need to
work out the minimum configuration needed on OSX to install a source
package, for example based on:


Hope this helps,




grass5 mailing list

Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand@nhh.no

On Jan 14, 2006, at 3:00 PM, Roger Bivand wrote:

Visiting the repository will show that all is well, but nobody I know has
a machine with OSX on it. With the advent of x86 OSX this will get worse

In the short term yes. Hopefully though, over the long term it will bring much of os x code closer to the x86 linux and bsd code. I have made the big vs little edian mistake more than once on os x.

On OSX you have to install from source, as on any other Unix/Linux
system, only Windows people get the help of a binary. Because there is no
C code in the package, I guess that most (?) OSX will have the minimal
tool train needed. Guessing further, on Linux I have:


[1] "source"

but you most likely have "mac.binary"


Then try:

install.packages("spgrass6", repos = rS, type="source")

worked great. Thanks Roger

to override the default, and it should work. If you can confirm that it
does, I can alter the note on the download page, and provide an erratum
for the Newsletter page.

I think you are good to make the change. This worked fine on my powerbook. Tues when I'm back in my office, I'll test in on my G5. However, I see no reason why it would be any different. Additionally, did a small edit on the config file to get the base R program to build on os x. If you want I can send you that too.

Thanks again,


If you still have difficulties, we'll need to
work out the minimum configuration needed on OSX to install a source
package, for example based on:


Hope this helps,




grass5 mailing list

Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: Roger.Bivand@nhh.no

grass5 mailing list

On Jan 14, 2006, at 3:00 PM, Roger Bivand wrote:


install.packages("spgrass6", repos = rS, type="source")

to override the default, and it should work. If you can confirm that it
does, I can alter the note on the download page, and provide an erratum
for the Newsletter page. If you still have difficulties, we'll need to
work out the minimum configuration needed on OSX to install a source
package, for example based on:


Hope this helps,



Adding the type="source" work on both my powerbook and G5. I think you can go ahead with that addendum to the newsletter.

On another note. I am looking at the R and DBMS page because I have been using postgres for attribute management. It seems that the link to the BioConductor web site is broken. The new url appears to be:


Therefor, shouldn't the install.package command look something like this:

