dear developers,
excuse my horrible english but i need help:
i compiled grass5.3-cvs and grass5.7-cvs on an AMD64 3000+/512MB with
"Fedora Core 2 64bit Linux" with no problems, but i have the
following problems running either one of grass5.3-cvs AND 5.7-cvs:
* nviz crashes while loading rasterfiles!; vectors and sites(grass5.3) are
no problem.
* vectorfiles(grass5.0.x format) from projects created on 32bit machines
are not viewable with d.vect and not convertable, i get the error that
long is 8byte (thats true, its a 64bit machine) and that i have to run, ok but after running several times (with no
problems) the same error is reported
* vectors (grass5.0.x format) created on the 64bit machine don't make any
problems, but don't work on 32bit systems
Does anybody have experience with grass on a 64bit x86 machine??
thanks a lot
regards, soeren
soeren gebbert