I got Grass53 to run using the following :
6.2.2 XFree86 multiwindow mode
In cygwin, launch the XFree86 server at Cygwin Bash prompt with:
export DISPLAY=
XWin -multiwindow -clipboard &
Now the X Server is listening and will open X related windows in individual
windows. Then start GRASS as usual:
d.mon x0
d.mon sel=x0
tcltkgrass &
nviz elevation.dem vect=roads & ---> not working because I do not have this
This runs GRASS similar to a common MS-Windows application
I am using the "global" dataset for a tutorial and can not view the "eco"
raster dataset using the nviz command:
Running command: (I think)
nviz el=eco
results in the following error:
"The Dynamic link library cygXft-2.dll could not be found in hte specified
I am guessing there is something wrong with my cygwin installation.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Kelly" <>
To: "Stephen Clark" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: [GRASS5] Latest install steps for Grass on Cygwin needed.
Hello there
On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Stephen Clark wrote:
> I am working on installing Grass 5.3 under Cygwin and cannot get the X
> windows installation to work.
Are you using a recent version of Cygwin with the new X server? If
so make sure and install the XFree86 compatibility package (it is not done
by default). What exactly is the problem?
> I also have some older Grass versions that do not work correctly and I
> like some help uninstalling these Grass Versions.
rm -rf /usr/local/grass5
rm /usr/local/bin/grass5
check paths carefully but that should be all there is to it.
> Could someone post some links to installing Grass 5.3 under Cygwin.
Some notes here:
and also item 1 here:
has the list of Cygwin packages you need to install, which is important.
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