I have installed GRASS 6.0 under Linux OSfor some academic purpose. Being a beginner unable go ahead to explore the software.
Can any one suggest, any good resource which can guide me to start with from the scratch.
S.D. Behera
I have installed GRASS 6.0 under Linux OSfor some academic purpose. Being a beginner unable go ahead to explore the software.
Can any one suggest, any good resource which can guide me to start with from the scratch.
S.D. Behera
I have installed GRASS 6.0 under Linux OSfor some academic purpose.
Being a beginner unable go ahead to explore the software.Can any one suggest, any good resource which can guide me to start
with from the scratch.
Some recommended reading:
"GRASS Quickstart" by M. Neteler (in the GRASS help pages)
"Visual Tutorial for GRASS 6" by L. Moretti (for non-UNIX people, GUI)
"GRASS 6 in a nutshell" by M. Neteler (short tutorial)
"Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach. 2nd ed." by M. Neteler and H.
Mitasova (Book; GRASS 5 but non-vector/sites chapters still valid)
"An introduction to the practical use of the Free Geographical
Information System GRASS 6.0" by GDF Hannover
More GRASS documentation and tutorials: