[GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2

Michael Barton wrote:

Added to the cvs. Sorry. This file got missed.

Now it works. Another great step forward ! Thanks Michael.

See a few comments below.

From: Moritz Lennert <mlennert@club.worldonline.be>
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 19:21:56 +0100
To: Michael Barton <michael.barton@asu.edu>
Subject: Re: [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2


there seems to be a file missing:

Error in startup script: couldn't open
"/usr/lib/grass/etc/gm/zoom_current.gif": no such file or directory


Michael Barton wrote:

I just committed to the CVS and posted to my website
<http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton/files/grass_gismgr&gt; the (hopefully)
final release candidate for the new GRASS GIS Manager. It has many
updates. I think I¹ve fixed all reported bugs or anomalous behavior‹and
a number of unreported ones. A few of the highlights.

A fix for the Œblack canvas¹ that some people have been getting. In the
future, I¹ll be implementing a different solution when I change the
compositing procedures that create the map displays. But this should
work for now.

It does.

A new text layer of high-resolution postscript text to replace d.text
and d.text.freetype. Along with this comes easier ways of selecting fonts.

- When trying to use the text tool, I get:

can't read "anchor": no such variable
     while executing
"$can($mon) create text $opt($id,xcoord) $opt($id,ycoord) -anchor $anchor -justify $opt($id,justify) -width $opt($id,width) -fill $opt($id,fill) -..."

(I assume it is the "Add text layer" button.)

A Œzoom to current region¹ button so that map displays can use regions
set using g.region.

I still find this counter-intuitive. If I set the region using g.region, I expect the next "normal" display command to follow this setting. I don't find it obvious that I should use a different button to get the expected result.

Maybe it is possible to add a region setting dialog directly in the display window which would then reset the current region definition of the this diplay ?

A few added convenience features. The one I like the best was inspired
by Peter Misovic¹s questions about displays and queries. You can now
save the results of a display query‹in the vector display‹to a new
vector file (using v.extract).

Cool !


From: Moritz Lennert <mlennert@club.worldonline.be>
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 22:13:29 +0100
To: Michael Barton <michael.barton@asu.edu>
Cc: Grass Developers List <grass5@grass.itc.it>
Subject: Re: [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2

Michael Barton wrote:

- When trying to use the text tool, I get:

can't read "anchor": no such variable
     while executing
"$can($mon) create text $opt($id,xcoord) $opt($id,ycoord) -anchor
$anchor -justify $opt($id,justify) -width $opt($id,width) -fill
$opt($id,fill) -..."

(I assume it is the "Add text layer" button.)

I'll find and fix.

A Œzoom to current region¹ button so that map displays can use regions
set using g.region.

I still find this counter-intuitive. If I set the region using g.region,
I expect the next "normal" display command to follow this setting. I
don't find it obvious that I should use a different button to get the
expected result.

To some extent, this is the 'price' for having a separate zoom for each
display. Each display needs to have its own settings. This means that a
general setting, by default, won't affect an individual display. Otherwise,
it would affect ALL displays and we'd be back to where we were with the

Maybe it is possible to add a region setting dialog directly in the
display window which would then reset the current region definition of
the this diplay ?

Possible, though it requires a lot of dialog building. But is this any more
intuitive than having a display button that does the same thing?

A few added convenience features. The one I like the best was inspired
by Peter Misovic¹s questions about displays and queries. You can now
save the results of a display query‹in the vector display‹to a new
vector file (using v.extract).

Cool !


Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

I've fixed the errors reported below and updated them to the cvs. I can't
get at my web site to repost the zip file of these changes.

I include the updated small *.tcl files if anyone wants to update without
going through the cvs.
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

- When trying to use the text tool, I get:

can't read "anchor": no such variable
     while executing
"$can($mon) create text $opt($id,xcoord) $opt($id,ycoord) -anchor
$anchor -justify $opt($id,justify) -width $opt($id,width) -fill
$opt($id,fill) -..."

(I assume it is the "Add text layer" button.)

I. Click "Pan" tool.
II. Left-click+hold button on the canvas but _don't_ drag.
III. Release the button.

can't read "to_x": no such variable
can't read "to_x": no such variable
    while executing
"scrx2mape $to_x"
    (procedure "MapCanvas::pan" line 11)
    invoked from within
"MapCanvas::pan $mon"
    (command bound to event)

My destop switcher freezes, using over 90% CPU, have to kill and
restart it to continue Gnome operation (Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy/Gnome).


maptext.tcl (7.86 KB)
mapcanvas.tcl (25.5 KB)