On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 12:17:37PM -0700, Michael Barton wrote:
I'm glad it works. Let me know if you discover that I DO need to add this
As I already said, awk uses LOCALE settings, which can be confusing for the
people, who are working with national locales...
I send you two patches (for v.univar.sh and d.vect.thematic), both of them set
the env. variable LC_NUMERIC to "C", so awk will work properly independed of
what locale is set on the computer, where the script is run
If you could tweak d.legend to include vectors it would be GREAT. I could
include a button to draw a legend in the script.Michael
Well, I was thinking about to write a new module... But the longer I thing
about it, the more thing I, that d.vect.leg & d.vect.thematic should be one
module in C with the flag -l (show legend).
OR color values used by d.vect.thematic should be saved in GRASS database...,
why do raster files have their $MAPSET/colr/file and vector files do not
(historical reasons, I know)? It
would be the simplest way of how to solve it...
new or modifed modules musted be written:
v.colors (based on d.vect.thematic)
d.vect (should take the color frome the colorfile)
d.legend -v (should make the legend)
Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky@centrum.cz
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
GPG: http://www.fle.czu.cz/~jachym/gnupg_public_key/
v.univar.sh.patch (99 Bytes)
d.vect.thematic.patch (103 Bytes)