can you help me out with the environmental variables necessary to run
Grass54 remotely?
right now Im using part of the code of GRASSLINKS 3.2 to connect to my GRASS54.
I wrote a simple .pl which only prints the "g.list rast" but I got the
next error message:
[Tue May 31 15:32:06 2005] [error] [client] sh:
/usr/local/grass54/bin/g.list: Permission denied
I already added my $GISBASE/lib directory to /etc/ file and
ran ldconfig, and all my directories has the right permissions, owned
by httpd/httpd
my .grassrc5 file goes like this
GISBASE: /usr/local/grass54/
GISDBASE: /var/www/html/GRASSDATA/
LOCATION_NAME: spearfish60
LOCATION: /var/www/html/GRASSDATA/spearfish60
MAPSET: wwwgrass
Im running Grasslinks 3.2, Grass54, Apache and Fedora core 3.
Thanks in advance