[GRASS5] (no subject)

Hi all,

I'm wondering how layers come into the vector model.
I've found documents detailing the 5.1 and 5.7 vector
models (or at least mentioning that version), which
essentially states <field,category> (within a vector
feature within a mapset, etc) pairs refer to a row within
a table (within a connection within a driver).

However, it doesn't mention layers. I presume a layer,
or rather a <field,layer,category> refers to a table
representing an set of attributes, in which the category
refers to the row.
I suppose this was hacked into a few grass executables
to be fairly transparent.

What I want to know is:
- Am I right in my guesswork? (for version 6.0, that is)
- Is there any singular documentation / changefile / readme that
actually explains this, and more importantly, explains what applies to
which version? I guess I'm being very optimistic there, but I suspect
there has to be better documentation than I've found so far...

--Bart Alewijnse