[GRASS5] options order in GUI

regarding bug http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3017

Maciek Sieczka wrote:

I encounter a segfault with one particular dataset with the following
GRASS 6.0.cvs:~ > v.clean input=i output=j type=area err=j_err

Radim Blazek wrote:

I fixed that, however:
1) bpol should be used as first cleaning tool, it does the same as
break, but it is faster on clean (identical boundaries) polygons

I can't change the order of cleaning tools using v.clean in GUI. The order
is hardcoded. Could that be fixed Michael? Options order issue also refers
to v.type in GUI http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2969.

2) bpol works only with type=boundary, the same break,rmdupl etc.

Radim, do you mean that "rmdupl" and "break" should not be used with type=line?


Maciek Sieczka wrote:

regarding bug http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3017

Maciek Sieczka wrote:

I encounter a segfault with one particular dataset with the following
GRASS 6.0.cvs:~ > v.clean input=i output=j type=area err=j_err

Radim Blazek wrote:

I fixed that, however:
1) bpol should be used as first cleaning tool, it does the same as
break, but it is faster on clean (identical boundaries) polygons

I can't change the order of cleaning tools using v.clean in GUI. The order
is hardcoded. Could that be fixed Michael? Options order issue also refers
to v.type in GUI http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2969.

2) bpol works only with type=boundary, the same break,rmdupl etc.

Radim, do you mean that "rmdupl" and "break" should not be used with type=line?


Can be used with line, but do not work with area.


This is not something I can fix. It is built into the v.clean module.

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

From: Maciek Sieczka <werchowyna@pf.pl>
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 12:21:43 +0100
To: Radim Blazek <blazek@itc.it>, <michael.barton@asu.edu>
Cc: grass devel <grass5@grass.itc.it>
Subject: options order in GUI

regarding bug http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3017

Maciek Sieczka wrote:

I encounter a segfault with one particular dataset with the following
GRASS 6.0.cvs:~ > v.clean input=i output=j type=area err=j_err

Radim Blazek wrote:

I fixed that, however:
1) bpol should be used as first cleaning tool, it does the same as
break, but it is faster on clean (identical boundaries) polygons

I can't change the order of cleaning tools using v.clean in GUI. The order
is hardcoded. Could that be fixed Michael? Options order issue also refers
to v.type in GUI http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2969.

2) bpol works only with type=boundary, the same break,rmdupl etc.

Radim, do you mean that "rmdupl" and "break" should not be used with
