[GRASS5] Problem with v.in.ogr


i`ve got a problem with v.in.ogr . I want to import a MIF-File. But I get
the following error.

too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?)

    (procedure "GlobalVar::exists" line 1)

    invoked from within

"GlobalVar::exists $_widget($path,var)"

    (procedure "ProgressBar::_modify" line 4)

    invoked from within

"ProgressBar::_modify .dialog0.progress"

    ("eval" body line 1)

    invoked from within

"eval ProgressBar::$cmd .dialog0.progress $args"

    (procedure ".dialog0.progress" line 1)

    invoked from within

"$opt($dlg,progress) _modify"

    (procedure "progress" line 7)

    invoked from within

"progress $dlg $val"

    invoked from within

"if [eof $fh] {

                close $fh

        } else {

                set str [gets $fh]

                append str "\n"

                if { [fblocked $fh] } { set str [read $fh] }

                while {[set idx [string f..."

    (procedure "prnout" line 5)

    invoked from within

"prnout 1 file8"

The File is importet but I can`t convert it to raster-format. I`m sure the
MIF-File is not broken. Does anybody have an idea what the problem could be?

Thanks & Greetings from Karlsruhe (Germany)

Maik Trömel


It looks like you have this problem in GUI, right?

Can you import your MIF file with v.in.ogr it from the coommand line?

If not, this might be the same problem I reported here:


From: "Maik Trömel" <maik.troemel@maitro.net>

i`ve got a problem with v.in.ogr . I want to import a MIF-File. But I get
the following error.

too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?)

   (procedure "GlobalVar::exists" line 1)

   invoked from within



I have written:


It looks like you have this problem in GUI, right?

Can you import your MIF file with v.in.ogr it from the coommand line?

If not

      I should have written here: "If you can"

, this might be the same problem I reported here:


Sorry for the confussion. I hope it is clear what I mean now.

Summarising: this problem with v.in.ogr occures only in GUI.

There is an identical error report, http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3117, but regarding r.out.pov usage in GUI.
