On Wed, 16 Nov 2005, Muzaffer Ayvaz wrote:
Firstly thank you for your help;
But in my second quesiton;
the other;/* go thru rest of the points now */
What is the rest?? nsearch is either eq! ual to npoints or biggerthan
in the first loop the final i is equal to nsearch -1. So the second loop will be like that:
nsearch is either eq! ual to npoints or bigger
than npoints.
Only if there are less than 12 points in the map.
How will this loop be exacuted?
If there are there are more than 12 points in the map, i.e. npoints > 12.
The integer variable npoints in the source code has a different meaning to the npoints command-line parameter; perhaps that is confusing?