to my surprise I found r.average to be non-functional
with certain combinations of INT/FP maps:
Using Spearfish5.7 sample data:
GRASS 5.7.cvs:~ > r.stats -anC fields,elevation.10m
Segmentation fault
GRASS 5.7.cvs:~ > r.average base=fields cover=elevation.10m out=field.avgelev
r.average: ERROR running r.stats command
GRASS 5.7.cvs:~ > r.stats -anC fields,elevation.10m
Segmentation fault
GRASS 5.7.cvs:~ > r.info -t fields
GRASS 5.7.cvs:~ > r.info -t elevation.10m
The problem is the -C flag for r.stats as used in r.average (and related
I found that the 'for' loop in r.stats/main.c tries to open a third
map which isn't there. At least the debugger stops in that row.
Not sure how to fix it, the loop is slightly different in r.patch which
also accepts more than one input map.
Assistance appreciated,