hi to all...
r.plane works really well... also using floating point value for
coordinates of the point the plain have to pass through....
the problem is if you have to realize a plane not very dip....
like 0.002... for example....
r.plain accept only integer value for dip values and instead I need to
use float values.....
have someone some ideas about how to solve this prloblem???
thank you very much
ivan marchesini <marchesini@unipg.it>
On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 03:10:09PM +0100, ivan marchesini wrote:
hi to all...
r.plane works really well... also using floating point value for
coordinates of the point the plain have to pass through....
the problem is if you have to realize a plane not very dip....
like 0.002... for example....
r.plain accept only integer value for dip values and instead I need to
use float values.....
have someone some ideas about how to solve this prloblem???
finally I understood the problem.
Fixed in CVS.
r.plane dip=0.003 az=33 ea=609000 no=4920855.000000 el=59 name=dd
Running r.in.ascii, please stand by
r.in.ascii: ** errors detected in header section **
Illegal row3 value
There is an updated needed in r.in.ascii (other modules?) due to
the recent WIND3 change.