Thanks Andrea for prompt replay.
In r.wavelet code I saw "Gmake" file.
So I thought that changes are necessary
to use it with grass6. Can Gmakefilework
with grass6?
Yes, I simply included the r.wavelet folder in my raster folder and everything
I have a quite different problem, which I first thought is a code problem of
wavelets, but I'm not that sure any more.
Some lines of background (very fast, give me the chance :o)): the wavelet
filtering process creates from one map four maps of half of the resolution.
So every processing level takes map
and creates four maps:
2_11, 2_12, 2_21, 2_22
that have obviously same boundaries but different (half) resolution.
Next level takes the map of the lower resolution map
2_22 (the others contain the difference values in x, y and xy)
and create:
3_11, 3_12, 3_21, 3_22
and so on for all the decomposition levels.
Things should work properly as they did, since the cellhead files look right:
map 1:
proj: 99
zone: 0
north: 730000.0
south: 590000.0
east: 850000.0
west: 580000.0
cols: 2700
rows: 1400
n-s resol: 100.0
e-w resol: 100.0
format: -1
compressed: 1
map 3_22:
proj: 99
zone: 0
north: 730000
south: 590000
east: 850000
west: 580000
cols: 337
rows: 175
e-w resol: 801.18694362
n-s resol: 800
format: -1
compressed: 1
So the boundary are the same, but when I visualize, the result is the
The bigger map is the third level of wavelet decomposition of the smaller map.
The boundaries are the same, so I can't understand why the lower resolution
map gets stretched.
In the last years did something change in the raster apis, which I missed?
Sajith, can you try and tell me if you get the same results?
Has anyone some hint? I'm not really happy to go through some code I didn't
open for years if it is not really necessary.
Also why r.wavelet is not part of grass6 distribution?
I guess because they seem not to work at the time
Honestly you are the second person that ask for multiresolution analysis in 3
years, so I think that is why they are in the add-ons section.
Does it lacks something, like documentation?
No, the manual pages were made properly and exaustive.
Hope this can be solved,
On 7/3/05, Andrea Antonello <> wrote:
> Hi Sajith,
> > I am planing to do some image processing based on wavelet.
> > I checked the r.wavelet module in the grass addon section, but it is
> > made for grass 4(?). I wish to upgrade it to the present grass version.
> the modules were made for the grass5 version. I got in touch only once
> again with the wavelets modules in grass6, where they gave some strange
> output, but at that time I had no second free to understand what it was.
> Since the raster api didn't change (someone correct me if it's not true),
> those modules should work out of the box.
> > I am not a grass developer now, and I dont know the changes in grass
> > libraries between version 4 and 6.
> > Can some one guide me on how to proceed?
> What do you mean? Compilation into the release or usage?
> The man pages in the package should fullfill the second.
> However for a first quick use:
> r.biowave.dec input=<mapname> output=<outputname>
> filterpath=<folder where the filters ( and
> are with / at the end> NumRec=3
> This will perform a 3 step wavelets decomposition.
> The maps will be created and the names are selfexplanatory.
> If I remeber correct, the starting map has to be floating point, else
> there will be strange results.
> Cheers,
> Andrea
> --
> _________________________________________________________________________
>___ HydroloGIS - Environmental Open Source Solutions
> Andrea Antonello
> Environmental Engineer
> mobile: +393288497722
> "Let it be as much a great honour to take as to give learning,
> if you want to be called wise."
> Skuggsja' - The King's mirror - 1240 Reykjavik
> _________________________________________________________________________
HydroloGIS - Environmental Open Source Solutions
Andrea Antonello
Environmental Engineer
mobile: +393288497722
"Let it be as much a great honour to take as to give learning,
if you want to be called wise."
Skuggsja' - The King's mirror - 1240 Reykjavik