[GRASS5] Re: [bug #2488] (grass) Transaction (glynn.clements@virgin.net)


Thanks much for responding so quickly. Here is what happens. If you just want to echo a string, it works OK. If you want to use the string as an argument to an option, it won't work. For example, look at d.vect. In the SQL box, you can put <field>=value and it works fine (no spaces). But you cannot put <field>=value and <field2>=value2. This generates an error that <field> value <field2> and value2 are illegal values--i.e., it treats each part of the argument as a separate entry. However you can do this on the command line with sql='<field>=value and <field2>=value2'.

I ran into this trying to do a script for gdalwarp. I just hit it again doing a script to make v.in.ascii read in a points file from a GUI interface. To specify column definitions you need to do

v.in.ascii .... columns='xcoord double,ycoord double,name varchar(10)' or something along that line.

This works from the command line. But in a g.parser GUI dialog, anything you put into am entry box for this variable gets parsed as a series of illegal entries rather than a single string argument. I've tried to quote it in the script, manually when I enter it, and other ways and have the same results.

Michael Barton, Professor & Curator
School of Human Origins, Cultures, & Societies
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
On Jun 16, 2004, at 4:32 PM, Glynn Clements via RT wrote:

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2488

Thu, Jun 17 2004 01:32:48: Request 2488 was acted upon.

Transaction: Mail sent by glynn.clements@virgin.net

       Queue: grass
        Area: grass5.7
     Subject: GRASS 5.7 WISH - improve string reading ability in g.parser
  Requestors: michael.barton@asu.edu
      Status: open


Request Tracker wrote:

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2488

Subject: GRASS 5.7 WISH - improve string reading ability in g.parser

grass binary for platform: MacOSX
GRASS Version: 5.7 26-03-2004

g.parser has difficulties parsing strings with spaces in them. If you
enter a string with spaces, it treats each word as a separate, illegal
entry for that variable.

I can't reproduce this behaviour with 5.3, and g.parser itself is
unchanged in 5.7 (although G_parser() has some changes).

Are you sure that the problem isn't in the way that the GIS_OPT_*
variables are used in the script? Have you tried it with the test.sh
script from the g.parser directory? E.g.

  $ test.sh rast=fields vect=fields option1='hello world'
  Flag -f not set
  Value of GIS_OPT_option1: 'hello world'
  Value of GIS_OPT_raster: 'fields'
  Value of GIS_OPT_vect: 'fields'

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements@virgin.net>

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Subject: Re: [GRASS5] [bug #2488] (grass) GRASS 5.7 WISH - improve string reading ability in g.parser
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Michael Barton wrote:

Thanks much for responding so quickly. Here is what happens. If you
just want to echo a string, it works OK. If you want to use the string
as an argument to an option, it won't work. For example, look at
d.vect. In the SQL box, you can put <field>=value and it works fine (no
spaces). But you cannot put <field>=value and <field2>=value2. This
generates an error that <field> value <field2> and value2 are illegal
values--i.e., it treats each part of the argument as a separate entry.
However you can do this on the command line with sql='<field>=value and

I ran into this trying to do a script for gdalwarp. I just hit it again
doing a script to make v.in.ascii read in a points file from a GUI
interface. To specify column definitions you need to do

v.in.ascii .... columns='xcoord double,ycoord double,name varchar(10)'
or something along that line.

This works from the command line. But in a g.parser GUI dialog,
anything you put into am entry box for this variable gets parsed as a
series of illegal entries rather than a single string argument. I've
tried to quote it in the script, manually when I enter it, and other
ways and have the same results.

First, are we talking about g.parser or G_parser()?

If the problem is with the Tcl/Tk dialogs, that's probably a bug in
G_gui(). ISTR that tcltkgrass suffers from the same problem.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements@virgin.net>