[GRASS5] Re: [bug #2765] (grass) v.buffer produces strange results

Wolfgang Qual wrote:

Hello Radim,
enclosed you find the the polygone theme "vbuffer" that was used to create
new buffer themes.Buffering with a distance of 300m worked fine, but a
buffer distance of 500m produced "strange results" (See screenshot attached
to this message). I created "vbuffer" via v.in.ogr from a shape feature.



Thank you, this is nice bug in clean_parallel() and I don't know how to fix that. clean_parallel() is ugly anyway, I'll try to write a new Vect_line_buffer() but I am not sure if I manage to do that untill 6.0.0 beta.

For now you have to use v.buffer twice.


I tried to rewrite the v.buffer but I have not managed to get anything working for all data, so 6.0 will be with buggy v.buffer.
If anybody is interested to continue, I can give him my new version of v.buffer.


Radim Blazek wrote:

Wolfgang Qual wrote:

Hello Radim,
enclosed you find the the polygone theme "vbuffer" that was used to create
new buffer themes.Buffering with a distance of 300m worked fine, but a
buffer distance of 500m produced "strange results" (See screenshot attached
to this message). I created "vbuffer" via v.in.ogr from a shape feature.



Thank you, this is nice bug in clean_parallel() and I don't know how to fix that. clean_parallel() is ugly anyway, I'll try to write a new Vect_line_buffer() but I am not sure if I manage to do that untill 6.0.0 beta.

For now you have to use v.buffer twice.
