[GRASS5] Re: [bug #3323] (grass) r.le.setup does not work properly

Hello Jachym,

thanks for this information. I tested r.fragstats and it looks very promising.

A few questions: I did not receive an output image with the corresponding IDs
(how is it called by the way). Would it be possible to convert the image into
a vector and add all these informations in the *.txt files to this vector.
Then it would be possible to map the different patch attributes and query it
inside GRASS.

I will need some time to get familiar with the fragstats naming
convention/features etc. and become experienced with these additional
features inside GRASS then I can do some testing or whatever help is needed.

BTW: I found a few error messages after executing r.fragstats (see below),
they might be interesting for you.

cheers, Martin

r.fragstats input=test_sub output=frag_test bound_wght=0.0 -i

                            FRAGSTATS 2.0

Processing image: glc00.1_sub
rows: 97
Interior Background Value: 999
Exterior Background Value: -999

... landscape does not contain background
maxclasses: 14 rows:

Class 0: 545 cells, 1 patches
Class 1: 6262 cells, 42 patches
Class 2: 1453 cells, 38 patches
Class 7: 5153 cells, 26 patches
Class 10: 26 cells, 5 patches
Class 13: 141 cells, 4 patches

number of classes: 6
max patches/class: 42
max patch size: 3403

class: 0
class: 1
class: 2
class: 7
class: 10
/usr/local/grass-6.1.cvs/scripts/r.fragstats: line 160: 6342 Segmentation
fault fragstats $GIS_OPT_input $GIS_OPT_output $ $ 7 $ $ $background
$max_classes $wt_file $id_image $desc_file $bound_wght $diags $prox_dist
$nndist $patch_stats $class_stats

On Monday 06 June 2005 16:27, Jachym Cepicky via RT wrote:

we try to make fragstats
(http://www.umass.edu/landeco/research/fragstats/fragstats.html) work with
grass. Paolo Cavallini knows more about this. He says, that fragstats
should be better, than r.le* modules in GRASS.

However, it seems, there is some bug in the code (Can not allocate space
for edge!), it would be good, if you could test r.frastats too, so that we
know more about this.

The package with r.fragsts can be downloaded here:

It contains:
    * fragstats with support for GRASS-raster
    * r.fragststs -- GRASS-shell script for fragstats
    * files for QGIS (GRASS-Tools)

To install run
    ./configure --with-grass=/path/to/grass/inculde/dir ...
    make install

I hope, it works :slight_smile:


On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 03:02:25PM +0200, Request Tracker wrote:
> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3323
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: r.le.setup does not work properly
> Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
> grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
> grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
> GRASS Version: cvs 6.1 end of Mai
> hello,
> running r.le.setup results in a stop after the last prompt - I have to do
> CTRL-C to get to the setup screen.
> > r.le.setup
> OPTION Raster map to use to setup sampling
> key:map
> required:YES
> enter raster map name:
> Enter 'list' for a list of existing raster files
> Enter 'list -f' for a list with titles
> Hit RETURN to cancel request
> > raster.1
> <raster.1>
> OPTION Vector map to overlay.
> key:vect
> required:NO
> Overlay a vector file? (y/n) [n]
> OPTION Site map to overlay.
> key:site
> required:NO
> Overlay a site file? (y/n) [n]
> .... stopped. no reaction.
> After CTRL-C the r.le.setup runs fine.
> Martin
> -------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker
> _______________________________________________
> grass5 mailing list
> grass5@grass.itc.it
> http://grass.itc.it/mailman/listinfo/grass5

Martin Wegmann

DLR - German Aerospace Center
German Remote Sensing Data Center
Dept.of Geography
Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Unit
University of Wuerzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

phone: +49-(0)931 - 888 4797
fax: +49-(0)931 - 888 4961