The couple items I can fix are fixed. However, you note a couple other bugs
that will need to be fixed by one of the folks who does programming for the
command modules.
On 10/14/04 2:55 PM, "Maciek Sieczka" <> wrote:
Hello Michael,
this reports refer to the precompiled 5.7 09_10_2004, installed on Mandrake
9.21. r.contour
when invoked r.contour& from the grass terminal I get:
Continue?(y/n) [y]
This is left over from porting this from 5.3. It needs to be changed in the
command module. Probably pretty easy to fix now it has been reported.
and it stops
(in 5.3 there was a separate terminal called for this)even worse when r.contour is invoked from within the tcltkgrass menu - it
hangs completely and freezes the tcltkgrass menu for good
2. BTW one similar bug in in 5.3's tcltkgrass:
WARNING: old data format detected.
Convert site file to new format?
Answering yes will modify your site list file.(y/n)
I fixed this very recently and committed it to the CVS. I hope it is still
and it stops here
3. all modules I tried in 5.7 display this instead of percents only:
Percent complete: 2% 5% 8% (...) 100%
On my computer, it goes:
Percent complete: 2%/b/b/b/b5%/b/b/b and so forth...most of the time. Other
times, it stops after a few increments, then does nothing until 100%
4. menu entry is still called "(...) spline with tension
This is fixed in the update I'm about to commit to the CVS
5. menu fails to start (gives a big "Application error" window)
when invoked from the tcltkgrass but pops up fine when invoked using in the Grass terminal
This is also fixed
6. d.measure sometimes displays such things:
Warning - no response from graphics monitor <x0>.
Check to see if the mouse is still active.
You need to have a monitor open and selected, with a map.
and such a message after:
This is a bug, but is not (I hope) a problem from the GIS Manager any
longer. From the command line/command module, you need use d.measure -s to
avoid this problem. It would be nice to have this fixed, but there is a
pretty easy workaround (the -s flag).
C. Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Diversity and Social Change
PO Box 872402
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402
Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: <>