For enabling GRASS 6 CVS under OSX-Aqua download and install:
- GRASS GIS COMPLETE (rel. 050202 - 108.3 MB): download from my site or from a mirror;
- patch library (rel. 050202-2 - 7.3 MB): download from http://wwwamb.bologna.enea.it/forgrass/files/grasslib_patch_aqua_gdal_e00_050202-2.zip ;
- GRASS 6 CVS (rel. 050219 - 13.2 MB) only from this version Aqua is enabled: download from http://wwwamb.bologna.enea.it/forgrass/downloadcvs.htm
Next release for OS X will be only a 70 MB file with: libs, grass60 official with Aqua/X11 menu, demo, docs and links.
Grass 6 cvs will be only an app (it will require grass60 official) and grass54 will be only an app (it will require grass60 official)
Comments and other changes (font menu, print menu, etc…) are welcome
|| Lorenzo Moretti e-mail: lorenzo.moretti@bologna.enea.it
||/|/| ENEA prot/idr Web: http://wwwamb.bologna.enea.it/
|| | via Don Fiammelli, 2 FTP: ftp://ftpamb.bologna.enea.it/ (res.)
Download GRASS for MAC OS X: