[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:6443] d.profile: phenology curve plotting

hallo developers,

On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 01:58:30PM -0400, Martin Wegmann wrote:


is there a function which plots the phenology of a time series?

d.profile is doing it spatially but I would like to look at the temporal curve
of various raster which are a time series.

e.g. d.profile input=raster.jan, raster.feb, .... raster.dec and then select a
pixel/area in the image and receive a time profile for each pixel which I

thanks in advance, Martin

Martin Wegmann

I thought, that r.profile would be the best for this problem.
Unfortunally it works only with one raster.

I tryed to write some patch, that makes r.profile to handel multiple raster


r.profile in=dem_int out=- profile=106.25,893.75,866.6,139.58 res=100
Using Resolution 100.000000
Output Format:
[Along Track Dist.(m)] [Elevation]

Approx. transect length 1070.936279 m.
0.000000 -249
100.000000 -260
200.000000 -222
300.000000 -164
400.000000 -133
500.000000 -176
600.000000 -78
700.000000 252
800.000000 230
900.000000 199
1000.000000 28

r.profile in=dem,dem4_int,dem3 out=- profile=106.25,893.75,866.6,139.58 res=100
Using Resolution 100.000000
Output Format:
[Along Track Dist.(m)] [Elevation]

Approx. transect length 1070.936279 m.
0.000000 -249.258438 -344 -152.711473
100.000000 -260.661446 -280 -137.916396
200.000000 -222.767889 -43 125.295406
300.000000 -164.659004 294 93.851748
400.000000 -133.269469 600 112.628475
500.000000 -176.494114 732 132.492686
600.000000 -78.644163 685 129.169117
700.000000 252.142540 410 76.520597
800.000000 230.412563 18 7.827528
900.000000 199.797620 -116 -87.963766
1000.000000 28.419509 -304 -316.939340

I thing, it could be usefull change.

Patches are in attachment.

Do you thing, it could be useful change?

Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky@centrum.cz
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
GPG: http://www.fle.czu.cz/~jachym/gnupg_public_key/


main.c.patch (6.72 KB)
read_rast.c.patch (4.43 KB)

On Thursday 14 April 2005 11:01, Jachym Cepicky wrote:

hallo developers,

On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 01:58:30PM -0400, Martin Wegmann wrote:
> Hello,
> is there a function which plots the phenology of a time series?
> d.profile is doing it spatially but I would like to look at the temporal
> curve of various raster which are a time series.
> e.g. d.profile input=raster.jan, raster.feb, .... raster.dec and then
> select a pixel/area in the image and receive a time profile for each
> pixel which I selected.
> thanks in advance, Martin
> --
> Martin Wegmann

I thought, that r.profile would be the best for this problem.
Unfortunally it works only with one raster.

I tryed to write some patch, that makes r.profile to handel multiple raster


r.profile in=dem_int out=- profile=106.25,893.75,866.6,139.58 res=100
Using Resolution 100.000000
Output Format:
[Along Track Dist.(m)] [Elevation]

Approx. transect length 1070.936279 m.
0.000000 -249
100.000000 -260
200.000000 -222
300.000000 -164
400.000000 -133
500.000000 -176
600.000000 -78
700.000000 252
800.000000 230
900.000000 199
1000.000000 28

r.profile in=dem,dem4_int,dem3 out=- profile=106.25,893.75,866.6,139.58
res=100 Using Resolution 100.000000
Output Format:
[Along Track Dist.(m)] [Elevation]

Approx. transect length 1070.936279 m.
0.000000 -249.258438 -344 -152.711473
100.000000 -260.661446 -280 -137.916396
200.000000 -222.767889 -43 125.295406
300.000000 -164.659004 294 93.851748
400.000000 -133.269469 600 112.628475
500.000000 -176.494114 732 132.492686
600.000000 -78.644163 685 129.169117
700.000000 252.142540 410 76.520597
800.000000 230.412563 18 7.827528
900.000000 199.797620 -116 -87.963766
1000.000000 28.419509 -304 -316.939340

I thing, it could be usefull change.

indeed! it will be very useful however I would propose a graphical output as
Markus did it in i.spectral using gnuplot (x=time, y=value e.g. NDVI), which
is by the way a similar function but only for max. 8 input fields.


Martin Wegmann

DLR - German Aerospace Center
German Remote Sensing Data Center
Dept.of Geography
Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Unit
University of Wuerzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

phone: +49-(0)931 - 888 4797
fax: +49-(0)931 - 888 4961

On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 06:30:16PM -0400, Martin Wegmann wrote:

indeed! it will be very useful however I would propose a graphical output as
Markus did it in i.spectral using gnuplot (x=time, y=value e.g. NDVI), which
is by the way a similar function but only for max. 8 input fields.

You could modify i.spectral to loop over the comma separated
input map names to make it sort of independent of the # of
input maps.

Shouldn't be difficult, as adding

#% multiple: yes

will enable multiple input maps. Etc.
