[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:8793] Re: Querying display monitor locations as percent from origin (0,0)?

How does it show up when the d.barscale (or your new d.legend) mouse
placement "remembers" its placement?

It doesn't show up in the GUI and I can't see how to capture it from
the command line.

When you run d.barscale with -m it modifies what it saves to the window
history (d.save), removing -m and adding at=... If you use d.save you
will see what it ended up as. This way d.barscale survives d.redraw,
d.out.png, etc. without the user having to redo the mouse clicks.

As d.barscale only has a few options rebuilding a new command line isn't
that hard. The same is not true for d.legend which has many options.
(you've got to remember to fix this part of the code every time an
option changes; maintainace problem as much as a coding one.. and string
munging in C is a pain..)

The placement of d.legend has not changed, only now it spits out the
coordinates to use with at= (message to stderr) if you have debugging
set to "1" via g.gisenv. d.legend with mouse placement doesn't save to
the command history as you would need to redo the mouse clicks, which
wouldn't work very well from e.g. d.out.png. If you used at= and it
knows where to draw without further prompting it does save it to the
display history. Also I've found I tend to do 3-4 mouse placements of
d.legend before I find one I like. d.redraw makes it easy to try again..
