[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:906] Re: Looking for Good No Brainer Doc for Grass!


The book is very good. I have my copy :slight_smile:

BTW… there are some good material available for free. This 2 are some examples:

GRASS 6.0 Tutorial

GRASS 6.0 In a Nutshell


On 4/26/06, paul raymond <kabobofpug@yahoo.com> wrote:


I loaded Grass 6.0 & have been able to start the application with no problem at all. I am looking for some good docs to walk me thru the basic “detail” process of using it. So far, I have not found anything on the internet that would help me. Is this book any good, " Open Source GIS A GRASS GIS Approach"? BTW, I am new to GIS, but trying to learn fast about it! Thanks!

Warm Regards,
Paul R

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