[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:9904] Using multiple colors for classes of single attribute - possible or no?


2006/1/18, Patton, Eric <epatton@nrcan.gc.ca>:

possibly with different thicknesses, hache marks, etc. I know that d.vect
allows a GRASSRGB columns for customizing polygon fills, but does the same
functionality exist for lines?

this functionality (GRASSRGB support for points,centroids and lines)
was added to d.vect two days ago...


best regards, Martin

Eric wrote:

> I have a monolithic vector loaded into Grass 6.1 cvs (Jan 14th
> binary snapshot). This vector depicts a beach coastline
> classification devised by one of our geomorphologists. I am trying
> to symbolize the vectors such that each beach class under the
> attribute 'Class' get colored differently, possibly with different
> thicknesses, hache marks, etc. I know that d.vect allows a GRASSRGB
> columns for customizing polygon fills, but does the same
> functionality exist for lines?
> possibly with different thicknesses, hache marks, etc. I know that
> d.vect allows a GRASSRGB columns for customizing polygon fills, but
> does the same functionality exist for lines?

Martin wrote:

this functionality (GRASSRGB support for points,centroids and lines)
was added to d.vect two days ago...


just to add another way; you can use 'd.vect where=' or 'd.vect cats='
multiple times, each time with a different line color.
