[GRASS5] Re: [Pkg-grass-general] Re: Bug#264566: Any progress on grass 5.7?

[re the debian package]

> For now I think 5.7.0 is a good starting point, although it is
> almost four months old now. In future, definitely pull from a cvs
> snapshot if there hasn't been a new point version, the question is
> how often? twice a year? four times a year? I guess it depends on
> how much work it takes the maintainers to get one out.


I feel more comfortable working from the stable releases (and 5.7 is
already not considered the stable branch). I would hesitate to pull
anything from CVS but security patches.

Right. In that case we just push for 5.7.x point releases on a quarterly
basis? maybe every 6 months is a better effort:result ratio?

Development on 5.7 will not slow down for a long time... going way out
on a limb, I'd rank it about the same maturity as Linux 2.6..
