The following will be fixed and uploaded to the CVS tomorrow
C. Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
PO Box 872402
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402
Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: <>
From: Lorenzo Moretti <>
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:51:10 +0100
To: <>
Subject: Small bugs and notesHi Michael
Markus has sent an email about changes in shell prompt but the changes for
tcltk are for you.
I resend to you some changes to add in cvs code for viewing Location name in
GIS Manager window like my last grass60cvs.
Fixed d.m as requested
in display/d.m/d.m.tcl
row 205
proc Dm::_create_intro { } {
global dmpath
+ global location_name
variable max_prgindicset top [toplevel .intro -relief raised -borderwidth 2]
wm withdraw $top
wm overrideredirect $top 1set ximg [label $top.x -image [image create photo -file
"$dmpath/intro.gif"] ]set frame [frame $ximg.f -background white]
- set lab1 [label $frame.lab1 -text "GRASS $GRASSVERSION GIS Manager" \
+ set lab1 [label $frame.lab1 -text "GRASS $GRASSVERSION GIS Manager -
$location_name" \row 846
proc main {argc argv} {
global auto_path
+ global location_namewm withdraw .
- wm title . [G_msg "GRASS $GRASSVERSION GIS Manager"]
+ wm title . [G_msg "GRASS $GRASSVERSION GIS Manager - $location_name"]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MISSING in etc/dm/menu.tcl (for all users)
line 88
- {command "List maps" {} "g.list" {} -command {execute }}
+ {command "List maps" {} "g.list" {} -command {execute g.list }}
d.font.freetype (is missing from Menu)
Display standard GRASS fonts - is missing
This script does not exist in GRASS 6 (someone could rewrite it I suppose)
ONLY IN OSX AQUA in etc/dm/menu.tcl
-----------------------------------line 258
- {command "Generate flow lines for raster map" {}
"r.flow" {} -command {execute r.flow }}
+ {command "Generate flow lines for raster map" {} "r.flow"
{} -command {term r.flow }}
This is a problem in X11 also. Fixed (changed to spawn r.flow).
But this is a module that has problems or execute would work. There are
others with similar issues among the hydrologic modeling group also.
What do you think?
- Raster with legend (inside GIS Manager)
The raster with legend is diplayed and at the end the monitor is erased
(not in GRASS-X11 Tcl)
This will be fixed after 6.0 stable is released.
- d.font - when you select one X11 font in "" freeze (I suspect
about X11 font not good for Tcl in Aqua)
I don't know about this one. Not fixed.
My notes aboute GIS Manager
2 menus are too much large for me
Both fixed (and a couple of others with similar issues)
Redraw active display (Note: some items may not be redrawn)
Redraw (some items may not be redrawn)
(I have an error in this menu)Image
Brovey transformation and pan sharpening for Landsat ETM, SPOT, and Quickbird
Brovey transformation and pan sharpeningFROM AN HEAVY OS X USER (FROM PORTUGAL)
I think that Grass 5.4 had more intuitive importing module organization. It
was more easy to find the right import module for a certain type of file
because they were directly listed in the menus. Maybe you could maintain the
previous specific modules in version 6, even considering that GDAL or OGR
substitute many of them. At least the description of these latest modules can
be updated. I can not find easily a command to import DXF files under Grass 6
for instance. GDAL it's as effective as the previous 5.4 module in importing
GeoTIFF files which is a format that I use very often to exchange info
Canvas 9, Mfworks, and Grass. One of my working mattes, that also is becoming
a GRASS addicted, is having some troubles in importing xyz files using the command, even considering that his xyz file seems to be well
formatted for import. Talking about GRASS addicted guys, we have their number
growing around hereI've already answered to him about, and has problems? For me no but I don't know... should be working fine now AFAIK. There is a check box (flag) for and for that lists which formats are read. The easiest is
to have a single import routine that reads anything (i.e., even more
minimalistic than we now have--like GrafikConverter)
What do you think?
|| Lorenzo Moretti e-mail:
||/|/| ENEA prot/idr Web:
|| | via Don Fiammelli, 2 FTP: (ris.)
~~~~~~ 40128 BOLOGNA - ITALY Ph: +39-0516098086 Fax: +39-0516098131