[GRASS5] Re: What proj libraryversion is best?

mjwurtz@wanadoo.fr (Michel Wurtz) wrote:

and Datum transformation are two different steps (and hence may be done in
different functions), but you cannot forget Datum transformation. For exemple,
the correct way to tranform UTM/WGS84 to NTF/Lambert coordinate is :

(E,N) UTM -> lat/long WGS84 -> X,Y,Z (tridimentional) -> Datum shift, rotation
and scale from WGS84 to NTF -> lat/long NTF -> (E,N) Lambert.

I don't think Mr. Evenden (or anyone else) is forgetting anything here. Mr. Evenden's philosophy, which is sound, is that the first and last steps of your list fall under the purview of the proj library, and the rest do not. That says nothing about the importance or frivolity of the other steps; it only states that the steps are separable and that they can be handled by separate means.

daan Strebe

In a message dated 7/7/2004 6:03:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Michel Wurtz <mjwurtz@wanadoo.fr> writes:

Gerald Evenden wrote:

This discussion reminds me of the email interaction Frank Warmerdam and I
had about what should be included in a projection library. My position was,
and still is, that *only* the projection (conversion between geographic and
cartesian space) is the domain of the library. All non-projection elements like
datum shifts and x-y-z transformations are separate and unrelated problems
and belong in their own library systems.

The reason for this is twofold: 1) projections have uses that do not involve
datums and their is no reason to burden these uses with elements that are
not involved and 2) developers often only have expertise in only one of the
areas and should not have to burden themselves with library maintenance
involving unfamiliar elements.


I don't know how to interpret this : Datum is an important part of coordinate's
transformation. The same projection on two diferent datums can lead to errors
of 500 m (at least in France, between the NTF and WGS84 Datum). Projection
and Datum transformation are two different steps (and hence may be done in
different functions), but you cannot forget Datum transformation. For exemple,
the correct way to tranform UTM/WGS84 to NTF/Lambert coordinate is :

(E,N) UTM -> lat/long WGS84 -> X,Y,Z (tridimentional) -> Datum shift, rotation
and scale from WGS84 to NTF -> lat/long NTF -> (E,N) Lambert.

Even with this formula you have an accuracy of 5 m in some places : You have to
use a correction matrix to improve the precision to a geodetic one (5 cm).

You can only forget datum when you work at very small scale (1:2,000,000 and under)

Michel Wurtz - Auzeville-Tolosane

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