[GRASS5] reading vector file in java


I'm trying to read the "coor" file of a grass vector in java. I'm trying to read it byte after byte, to casting then single byte (or byte's group) to java type.

I used the "coor file format specification" to select what kind of java type I had to use, but I have some problems doing this.

Reading the file format specification I understood that the file size variable is a 4 bytes long variable, including the bytes from the 7th to the 10th; but I found the file size right value reading the bytes from 11th to the 14th. Is it possible? Where am I wrong?

I have some other question:

Why the "record header" named variable is integer type (i.e. 4 bytes), when it uses only the first byte of its reserved space?

Which combinations of binary value in this variable (record header) are for vector type


