I just encountered a new, minor glitch in d.measure.
From GIS Manager menus, execute d.measure starts the tcltk gui for the
command. However, the output is pretty meaningless while the command is
running. Here is an example:
AFTER you quit, you get a nice screen of information that looks like this
Left: where am i
Middle: set FIRST vertex
Right: quit this
EAST: 711127.4334203
NORTH: 4285945.20996221
EAST: 711185.34103458
NORTH: 4285943.14183313
Left: where am i
Middle: set NEXT vertex
LEN: 120.33 meters
LEN: 268.38 meters
LEN: 449.68 meters
Right: quit this
LEN: 449.68 meters
AREA: 0.33 hectares
AREA: 0.0013 square miles
AREA: 3340.46 square meters
This information (except for the final totals) needs to be shown during the
measurement session. This was the case in recent version of d.measure.
For now, I'll just have d.measure open in an xterm from the GUI, where it
works fine. I'll get this fixed in the CVS tomorrow and update the package
on my website soon (hopefully tomorrow).
Probably related to this, you now cannot get d.measure to open its tcltk
dialog from the command line. It only seems to operate in xterm mode. Seems
like some switch needs to be set differently.
Michael Barton
C. Michael Barton, Professor
School of Human Diversity and Social Change
PO Box 872402
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402
Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: <www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton>