[GRASS5] v.out.ascii / v.in.ascii

WARNING: v.in.ascii and v.out.ascii were changed:

1) New option 'format' specifies if ascii file is 'standard' or 'point'.
2) The modules can read/write both format form file (input=path to file) or stdin/stdout.
3) coordinates order was changed to X Y [Z] except 'v.out.ascii -o' for standard format.
4) 'v.out.ascii -o' writes to dig_ascii/


after running the latest v.in.ascii on a "new" style vector ascii file:

L 2 1
x1 y1
x2 y2
1 1


I get the following [v.in.garmin]:
Importing with v.in.ascii
Building topology ...
1 primitives registered
0 areas built 0%
0 isles built
Topology was built.
Number of nodes : 2
Number of primitives: 1
Number of points : 0
Number of lines : 1
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids : 0
Number of areas : 0
Number of isles : 0
v.in.garmin: line vector "test5novRTE@mapset" successfully created

but when I do 'v.info test5novRTE', I get:

ERROR: Cannot open old vector test5novRTE@mapset on level 2

?, thanks

Try the same directly with v.in.ascii.
What files are in vectors directory.
Does it help to run v.build?


Hamish wrote:

after running the latest v.in.ascii on a "new" style vector ascii file:

L 2 1
x1 y1
x2 y2
1 1


I get the following [v.in.garmin]:
Importing with v.in.ascii
Building topology ...
1 primitives registered
0 areas built 0%
0 isles built
Topology was built.
Number of nodes : 2
Number of primitives: 1
Number of points : 0
Number of lines : 1
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids : 0
Number of areas : 0
Number of isles : 0
v.in.garmin: line vector "test5novRTE@mapset" successfully created

but when I do 'v.info test5novRTE', I get:

ERROR: Cannot open old vector test5novRTE@mapset on level 2

?, thanks

This sounds like it makes the v.in.asciipoints script I wrote for GRASS 5.7
obsolete. Is that correct? (It allowed a user to select an ascii file for
input into v.in.ascii rather than making them do a "cat <file> |" from the
command line).


On 11/4/04 10:52 AM, "Radim Blazek" <blazek@itc.it> wrote:

WARNING: v.in.ascii and v.out.ascii were changed:

1) New option 'format' specifies if ascii file is 'standard' or 'point'.
2) The modules can read/write both format form file (input=path to file)
or stdin/stdout.
3) coordinates order was changed to X Y [Z] except 'v.out.ascii -o' for
standard format.
4) 'v.out.ascii -o' writes to dig_ascii/


Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human, Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

Michael Barton wrote:

This sounds like it makes the v.in.asciipoints script I wrote for GRASS 5.7
obsolete. Is that correct? (It allowed a user to select an ascii file for
input into v.in.ascii rather than making them do a "cat <file> |" from the
command line).




On 11/4/04 10:52 AM, "Radim Blazek" <blazek@itc.it> wrote:

WARNING: v.in.ascii and v.out.ascii were changed:

1) New option 'format' specifies if ascii file is 'standard' or 'point'.
2) The modules can read/write both format form file (input=path to file)
or stdin/stdout.
3) coordinates order was changed to X Y [Z] except 'v.out.ascii -o' for
standard format.
4) 'v.out.ascii -o' writes to dig_ascii/


Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human, Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton


>after running the latest v.in.ascii on a "new" style vector ascii file:
>L 2 1
> x1 y1
> x2 y2
> 1 1
>I get the following [v.in.garmin]:
>Importing with v.in.ascii
>Building topology ...
>1 primitives registered
>0 areas built 0%
>0 isles built
>Topology was built.
>Number of nodes : 2
>Number of primitives: 1
>Number of points : 0
>Number of lines : 1
>Number of boundaries: 0
>Number of centroids : 0
>Number of areas : 0
>Number of isles : 0
>v.in.garmin: line vector "test5novRTE@mapset" successfully created


>but when I do 'v.info test5novRTE', I get:
>ERROR: Cannot open old vector test5novRTE@mapset on level 2


Try the same directly with v.in.ascii.

Same result. (sample file & DEBUG=5 stderr log attached; stdout is as above)


G57> d.vect test8novTRK
WARNING: Cannot display areas, topology not available

[input file (eg attached) only contains lines, they draw ok]

What files are in vectors directory.

$ ls vector/test8novTRK/
coor dbln head hist

Does it help to run v.build?

Yes. After running v.build everything works as expected.

[not attached file..]

G57> v.build test8novTRK
Building topology ...
152 primitives registered
0 areas built 8%
0 isles built
Topology was built.
Number of nodes : 240
Number of primitives: 152
Number of points : 0
Number of lines : 152
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids : 0
Number of areas : 0
Number of isles : 0

[0 areas built 8%] ???

Then these files exist:

G57> ls vector/test8novTRK/
cidx coor dbln head hist sidx topo

thanks, I think v.in|out.ascii modes are much less confusing now.



7169.0.dig (300 Bytes)
vinascii.log (4.08 KB)

No idea, for me it works, it seems that topology
is built but it is not saved to files.

Vect_build ( &Map, stdout ); Vect_close ( &Map );
in v.in.ascii is the same as in all other modules.


Hamish wrote:


after running the latest v.in.ascii on a "new" style vector ascii file:

L 2 1
x1 y1
x2 y2
1 1


I get the following [v.in.garmin]:
Importing with v.in.ascii
Building topology ...
1 primitives registered
0 areas built 0%
0 isles built
Topology was built.
Number of nodes : 2
Number of primitives: 1
Number of points : 0
Number of lines : 1
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids : 0
Number of areas : 0
Number of isles : 0
v.in.garmin: line vector "test5novRTE@mapset" successfully created


but when I do 'v.info test5novRTE', I get:
ERROR: Cannot open old vector test5novRTE@mapset on level 2


Try the same directly with v.in.ascii.

Same result. (sample file & DEBUG=5 stderr log attached; stdout is as above)


G57> d.vect test8novTRK
WARNING: Cannot display areas, topology not available

[input file (eg attached) only contains lines, they draw ok]

What files are in vectors directory.

$ ls vector/test8novTRK/
coor dbln head hist

Does it help to run v.build?

Yes. After running v.build everything works as expected.

[not attached file..]

G57> v.build test8novTRK
Building topology ...
152 primitives registered
0 areas built 8%
0 isles built
Topology was built.
Number of nodes : 240
Number of primitives: 152
Number of points : 0
Number of lines : 152
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids : 0
Number of areas : 0
Number of isles : 0

[0 areas built 8%] ???

Then these files exist:

G57> ls vector/test8novTRK/
cidx coor dbln head hist sidx topo

thanks, I think v.in|out.ascii modes are much less confusing now.
