Hello List, Hello Michael:
Given the little bit of discussion, I'm beginning to suspect that it is a
quoting issue that may be primarily a problem with the TclTk GUI or may
also affect the command more broadly.
Here are a couple suggestions.1) If you have not done this already, try it from the command line rather
than just from the GUI.
The problem occurs when the command is issued from the command line.
2) Try with different delimiters than |. Maybe try a comma ",".
Let us know what happens.
Same effect, unfortunately.
I do not believe in a quoting-related problem as v.in.ascii is apparently
able to parse/analyse the data correctly:
Error in db-execute-immediate -> Error cannot insert value -> insert into
_the_table_ values ( *correctly parsed stuff* )
My guess would be that the problem is related to the creation of the table
However, an inncocent "v.info" about the supposedly created vector ends in
Cannot open old vector _my_vector_ on level 2
Comments, please.
Dr. Peter Löwe
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