Links to GWC in the Geoserver Docs Lead to a Dead Page

I was looking at the GWC docs within Geoserver, such as GeoWebCache — GeoServer 2.27.x User Manual & Using GeoWebCache — GeoServer 2.27.x User Manual

These pages have links to the main GeoWebCache documentation, but they link to the domain http:// geowebcache .org This seems to be some obsolete domain, which is curently domain parked. It should instead point to https:// geowebcache . osgeo .org/.

Where do I report this Bug ?

Actually — could you just fix it? We have instructions here for making a quick fix to the documentation. It is great for typos and broken links…

If you would like to report a bug the information is here: Issue tracker - GeoServer

Thanks. I have raised a PR for this issue:
fix: Updated the GWC URLs by devdattaT · Pull Request #8207 · geoserver/geoserver

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Perfect, I have reviewed, just waiting for the build checks, and now merged.
It should be available on the website shortly. I also added backport labels so the older docs will be fixed also.

It is really nice how smoothly all the work that has been done with automation allows us to work together.