MAPGEN confusion

4.11 Mapgen will be released June 30th with GRASS 4.11 from SCS.

This version of the GRASS/MAPGEN Interface will only support proj beta release
4.5 to remain compatable with the GRASS proj libraries.

Proj version 3.1 is very old and is no longer supported in the new release
(4.1 or 4.11).

Proj version 4.5 and 4.6 are of a similar format. They are both beta releases
from USGS. Proj 4.6 beta release corresponds closely to the new proj release
on The latest code from charon will be incorporated into
SCS release 4.12 later this year.

The source code is divided into USGS mapgen code and SCS contributed code.
If you wish to use the GRASS/MAPGEN Interface you must compile the SCS
subdirectory. There should be no compile problems with release 4.11.

---------------------------4.11 ENHANCEMENTS------------------------------------------

1. The GRASS/MAPGEN Interface now uses the latest USGS MAPGEN code version 4.0.

2. GRASS data in the latitude and longitude coordinate system is now supported.
Most commands function with the exception of make.fill.

3. The make.mapdef command now allows the user to select a different ellipsoid
if desired.

4. The GRASS display driver for MAPGEN now support 255 default colors.
Use the command show.colorchart to display the new default driver settings.

5. The color postscript driver (cps) also supports the 255 default display

6. The HPGL driver (hpgl) gives the user added flexibility. Two files,
$GRAPH/etc/HPGL and $LOCATION/mapgen/$MNAME/.offset, can be used to fine
tune your plotter output. Use the HPGL file to enter a scaling factor if
needed. The .offset file can be used to move the default plotter origin.

7. The make.symbol command now allows the user to rotate a symbol.

8. The redo mapdef command now only does a redo on all existing map
definition files instead of doing a redo all. Now it will be necessary to
execute a redo all after finalizing the changes to the map definition file.

See 4.11 Release Notes for a more detailed explaination of enhancements

--------------------------Structural Changes-----------------------------------------

1. The map definition file structure has changed. The command def.2.4.1
automatically converts old mapgen definition files into the new format.

2. The barscale file structure needs to be modifed. The command bar.2.4.1
automatically converts old mapgen barscale files into the new format.

3. The geo files under the dig_geo and sites_geo files are now under the
user's mapset. Existing files are automatically moved to the correct
location for 4.11.

4. The MAPGEN legend command structure for old mapgen files stored under
the misc directory need slight modification. These files are automatically

Jill Schuler

I have posted this response for Jill as she does not posess direcct access
to the list. You may send any questions or responses via myself.

Ken Sibley