I figured out how to do bulk invites to a group. I’m thinking you might want to do that with your QGIS-fr-user mailing list to make it easier.
To do so:
Go to your profile - and click on the Invites section:
There is a bulk invites section, that expects a CSV file. Just format it the way it describes using the list of member emails you export from the old mailman.
You should be able to do so since you are an admin of the qgis-fr-user group.
yes, that’s is what I understand too. I did a test on the staging server where I registered after the archive import, and I was identified correctly as message owner.
Hi @robe, I just tried. The correct place to send invites is in the group administration interface.
However, there is a limitation to 10 invites per day. We will have to raise this limit French user group, a low activity channel has 139 members in mailman.
There is an option in the account settings to add secondary email. In my case, my OSGeo ID is with my personal email address, but I’m subscribed to the QGIS-Dev mailing list with my work email. I don’t know if that has been tested yet to see if alt. emails are picked up. My personal email is subscribed to the Mapguide Mailing List (which I subscribed to long before I work where I do now), so even though I set my work email as the primary for this discourse account, I’m still curious if a secondary is picked up.
I tested it and seems to work. I subscribe to SAC with an alternate email, and once I put my alternate in all mirrors show my profile now.
However I think you can’t add the email after it’s created a staged. I think in dev, I had to merge my accounts. But if you do it before mirroring (Like I think we did in prod), the accounts are linked to the mailing list record.
Did you find a bulk invite in the group interface? I only saw a bulk invite option where I could upload a CSV under my profile, and the CSV allows you to specify one or more groups. But let me check where the max send is.
I’ve put in preliminary docs of what we need if people wish to move or mirror their mailing list on discourse.
I’m also starting a docs system using Discourse docs, to try to have a central loc where people can find how-tos about discourse, or to flag mailing list questions that have been solved as docs. That second part I’m still figuring out. Anyrate you’ll see a new link at the top that says “Docs” where these things will be easily accessible.
Maybe the text “mirror” should be avoided, as it’s a one direction only flow. Discourse in that mode would just be a web searchable archive, but would still send emails with a “reply-to,” tempting you to reply IIRC. Better discourage use of this mode IMHO.
On January 14, 2024 10:37:01 AM GMT+01:00, Regina Obe via OSGeo Discourse noreply@discourse.osgeo.org wrote:
I’ve put in preliminary docs of what we need if people wish to move or mirror their mailing list on discourse.
I’m also starting a docs system using Discourse docs, to try to have a central loc where people can find how-tos about discourse, or to flag mailing list questions that have been solved as docs. That second part I’m still figuring out. Anyrate you’ll see a new link at the top that says “Docs” where these things will be easily accessible.
I removed your admin access, because admin rights is giving you more access and not allowing you to see the limitations a regular user has. For one, you should no longer see a reply button when you log into discourse for the mirrored categories.
If there is a reply-to coming thru mail when it’s in mirror mode, I feel that is a bug and we should report that to discourse to have fixed as like you said that is too tempting and makes no sense.
Right now in discourse there is only a single checkbox in admin to allow reply to via email. It would be nice if this existed per category. Right now it assumes if a category has a mailbox, it should allow replying to (or perhaps) it only shows that option if you are an admin or you have reply to rights. If it is only for admins, then my revoking of your rights, should prevent you from replying via email too.
I’m replying by email so if you think it’s a bug please report it to
the upstream bug category here: bug - Discourse Meta
There’s an “email” tag also that you can use.
And I suggest to also file a trac ticket, unless we want to move all
discourse bugs to discourse itself and let the bugs be dealth with by
those who asked for the service.
Yes that would be great. Cause we need a mail server separate from list server. I was thinking mail.osgeo.org should be separate from lists.osgeo.org and then we can point all the services to mail.osgeo.org and have all the alias management there.
Hello, sorry to revive this thread. We are thinking about moving qgis-pt mailing list to discourse in hope that we can get a bit more movement in it. Is there any guide lines on how to proceed?