multiple users

But how can you run 8 or more sessions,
i.e., have more monitors than the usual x0 through x6
running? Multiple installations? New monitor FIFO pairs???
Anything easier???

John Mackenzie
U. of Delaware

Just make new fifo's and make sure the monitorcap file is up
to date. As long as the CPU holds there's no limit to the
number of simultaneous users.

Martijn van Leusen
(I recall a previous mail mentioning a script to create a
separate monitor for each new user. Anyway, the system of
symbolically linking a class to one PERMANENT mapset works
fine for us)

Martijn van Leusen
(I recall a previous mail mentioning a script to create a
separate monitor for each new user. Anyway, the system of
symbolically linking a class to one PERMANENT mapset works
fine for us)

I think I have mentioned in the past how we have created a monitor
for each node in our network. This is easy for the students that
they always start the monitor that corresponds the node where they
are sitting.


Lars Schylberg Email:
Dept. of Geodesy and Photogrammetry or : (new)
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Tel. +46 8 790 86 33
S-100 44 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Fax. +46 8 790 66 10