New GRASS Monthly Periodical (Finally) Available

   Chirp! A Monthly Review of GRASS News and Tips

After numerous unfortunate delays, we can finally ship the first issue
of this new monthly periodical for GRASS users and developers. I wish
to thank those members of the GRASS community who expressed their
support verbally and pecuniarily early on: I hope you find that your
patience has been well worth it.

Each sixty-page (average) issue of Chirp! reviews the information from
the most recent month's GRASSHopper traffic, and generally from one
earlier month as well extracted from the accumulated backlog of mail
archives. Space permitting, each issue includes additional feature
articles covering a wide range of timely topics of particular interest
to GRASS users and developers.

Chirp! is designed expressly for those GRASS users and developers who
either have no access to electronic mail or who find it more
convenient to peruse a print publication than raw mail archives,
especially in searching for useful notes and tips that appeared in
past GRASSHopper mail.

Here are the columns and feature articles you'll find in the first
issue of Chirp!:

Welcome to Chirp!

Organizational News and Tips

  People and Organizations
  GRASS Under Construction
  The GRASSHopper Wishlist
  GRASS and the Internet
    About the OGI Mailing Lists
    Obtaining and Using Files from Anonymous-FTP Servers
  New Contributed Software


  Managing the Database
  Digitizing and Scanning
  Exporting Digital Data
  Processing Raster Maps
  Processing Site Maps
  Developing GRASS Scripts

Calendar of Events
List of GRASSHopper Contributors
Cumulative Index
Coming Attractions

The price for a one-year subscription to destinations in the U.S. and
Canada is $68 surface, $72 air. Single copies are available for $6.50
surface, $7.00 air. Washington State residents add 7.8% sales tax.

Prices for overseas destinations vary according to USPS postal zones
(all airmail):

                          Subscription Single Copy

Western Hemisphere $ 80.00 $7.50
Europe $ 92.00 $8.50
All Other $104.00 $9.50

We can only accept prepaid orders in US funds.

Please contact me for more information on Chirp!. Send orders to the
address below.

-- Mark

Mark P. Line Phone: +1-206-733-6040
Open Pathways Fax: +1-206-733-6040
P.O. Box F Email:
Bellingham, WA 98227-0296